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Showing posts from July, 2018

...And Stuff

Whelp... I'm behind in my word count goals for my current WIP by...pretty much the whole book.  This one's taking a little longer than I had planned.  The authorial end of the summer slump I guess. Also, apparently, there's a summer slump, which I am feeling most keenly. So...any book buying you guys want to do would be most appreciated.  You know...if you want to. ;P Look!  I've got THREE whole books to choose from!  Three! And they're all good.  So I've been told ;P  Snowed In (Book One) is $0.99 to get you started. Anyway, I still don't have a release date for the current WIP.  I was hoping for the end of Aug, but now...not so sure.  I'll keep everyone updated on that, though. Random Thoughts: I need to figure out how get the bread I've been making to rise a second time (trying to do sandwich bread; rises the first time, second time...not so much).  Going to try a different recipe next time... I'm considering doi...

Whee! An Update.

So, I updated my website...and the blog and stuff to match.  Wasn't digging the red, feels like the blues match my covers and overall personality better, so...yay!  I like it.  Hopefully you guys will too. So...Book Four of the Olsson's Pass Series is on hiatus at the moment.  It wasn't coalescing in my brain the way I wanted to, so I've put it down for a moment.  Plus, it seems there's something of a diminishing returns thing going on with series' in general, so...there's that, too.  And I haven't got the money for proper marketing right now. End result...I'm doing a standalone!  Signed up for CampNano again...and again, am very much behind.  I can't seem to sit down long enough to do more than 1000 words at at time these days, for various reasons.  Maybe I left too much time for my Rest After Release thing, but it seems like every time I sit down to write I either procrastinate or get dragged back out into the real world to deal with st...