Trudie Rowland (c) Aug 8, 2017 Cherries, Cherries and...More Cherries! So, Hubs has a boss who lives near by, and he has a cherry tree in his yard. He also doesn't have time/energy to pick the cherries, or know what to do with them, so for the low, low price of All The Cherry Pie He Can Eat, he lets me do it (I also get to keep whatever I make out of them, which this year is going to be mostly jam). This year, we got ~ 20L of cherries - again. That was about the yield we got last year. It's a lot of cherries. I also used last year's pic, since the lighting was better (this year, everything's smoky and gross owing to forest fires out west). Now I have to pit them all, so that's going to be fun. Last year it took me about a week solid, by myself, one at a time. This year... Will probably be about the same, actually. Which is going to be such fun, because by the time I'm done pitting and canning all of these, it's time for apple...
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