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Musings And Stuff - 2

Spring is finally in the air...

One of the theoretical downsides about living in the Rockies is that spring is usually late - the snow doesn't go completely until it's pretty much May, and even then it doesn't really get warm until the middle of June.  So no garden for me until May 24th weekend at the earliest, and even then I still have to watch out for sudden and random frosts.

Even so, it's been above freezing for the past few days.  The snow is melting.  The prescribed burns are...burning, so everything smells of camping and wood smoke, and it's nice.  The goddamn elk will be moving out of the neighbourhood soon (well, not the pregnant ones...those we get the honor of running from until the end of June, when the calving is over).

As for myself, I've finally gotten the better part of an outline for Book Three.  I know I say 'finally' as though everyone's been waiting for years* and years, when it's really only been a month since the last book came out, but it feels like a FINALLY!! moment because I feel like I've been fighting with it, almost.

But yeah - it's mostly done.  I've got enough to get the story rolling anyway.

Which is what I did yesterday, and then a random update came along and everything I'd written yesterday suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke - even though I deliberately saved it as I'd been working on it.


I hadn't done too many words (not even 200, I think), so it's not all bad, but I need to start over again.

Ah well.  Them's the breaks.

*This is the part where we all turn and give George R. R. Martin significant looks


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