Because why not...?
Inane Stuff First:
I have discovered that I can indeed make good sandwich bread, using this recipe. Before, I'd been struggling to get the damn thing to rise a second time, so while it was tasty it was also squished. But, not any more! I made four loaves yesterday, and another batch today to (hopefully) become buns. We're already down to three loaves. It's that good.
So, I couldn't be more pleased with myself. It's fluffy, and light, and doesn't fall apart when you look at it sideways, and smells AMAZING.
Someday, I'll be brave enough to make sourdough.
Writing Stuff...
WIP is...well, I'm working on it. Now I've got family visiting on top of having 3 kids to watch, so my writing time has...diminished. Still plugging away at it, though. I'll get there! Eventually.
I feel bad, thinking that it's not going to be done when I'd wanted it to be (I really should be in the finishing touches/editing stage by now, but...not even close). A friend of mine pointed out, though, that I've written and self-published three full length novels in the last year, have three barely-school aged kids to worry about and a house to keep in a relatively clean state (spoilers: it's not in a relatively clean state right now).
I do think I'm going to have to re-outline my WIP, though. I've pants-ed it a fair bit in the last little while and need to reorient myself, story wise.
Writing Tip Wednesday...good? Yes? No? Helpful? Anything else I should be adding to it? Topics you'd like discussed? Questions? I'll do what I can to answer them. Just keep in mind, I'm not an expert, and also have approximately zero knowledge on anything to do with the Trad. publishing world. But I will at least make an attempt.
Cat Tax
Not the best picture, but she's still adorable. Until next time!
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